Independent Age Assessment



"Thank you. You are quite literally the best age assessor I have used for a number of reasons (good drafting, attention to detail etc). I have recommended you on RLG and I would not hesitate to do so again."  

[NJ, solicitor, London]

"I turn to the final social worker evidence, namely the evidence of the independent social worker [...].  His is, if I may say so, by far the most impressive analysis of the issues that arise in this case that I have seen."  "...his is a balanced and well reasoned report.  His formal age assessments record issues of significance that point away from the claimant's primary case.  His report strikes me as more compelling as a result of that willingness to contemplate and address the alternative point of view."  "  In my judgment, this is the most impressive piece of evidence I have and I place very considerable weight on it."  

[Neil Garnham, QC, in the case of R (FN) v Croydon, 2011]

"This is my judgement is the best evidence in relation to the Appellant's age conducted by social worker experienced in undertaking age assessments and concludes that the Appellant is the age he alleges."

[Immigration Judge Morgan, First Tier Tribunal (I&A Chamber), 2010]

"The last age assessment is that carried out [...] his assessment appears to me to be a careful and considered one, over a slightly longer period and with access to rather more information than either of the [local authority] assessments."

[Immigration Judge P-J White, First Tier Tribunal (I&A Chamber), 2011]

"I truly believe J would never have shared her story; it is a credit to you both your knowledge and experience within asylum/trafficking enabled J to talk - hopefully this will now allow J to start to heal.  I praised you both to social services, we expected a period of trauma when you left but to be honest J has shown incredible strength it is almost as if she is relieved to have shared her story.  I have read the report you have put together, I feel it is of an excellent standard, having been present when J shared her story.  Your experience shows in the way your have written up a very emotional assessment. You have been so respectful to J and the horrid information she shared."

[a local authority foster carer]